To see the transformation of youth into effective adulthood through skills enhancement, employment preparedness, vocational training, and Biblical study.
The Ideas Workshop is a holistic organization that engages in both Ministry and business in order to integrate work and discipleship. We operate with high Christian values based on the Bible. We exist to empower young men to make a living for their families and learn to integrate discipleship and the Word of God into their lives.
We build men as we shape metal and wood for the glory of God
Why we do what we do?
Colossians 1:10
“So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,”
When we put a tool in a young man’s hand and engage him with the Word of God a transformation takes place. Some of his or her problems don’t go away, but he/she sees them differently, he or she begins to have hope while believing that God can change everything when you serve Him.
We train youth in Carpentry and Metal Fabrication while doing business projects to helps the workshop to raise funds workshop to support training ministry for the hearing impaired (hard of hearing).
Stay updated with the latest news and developments at The Ideas workshop from our blog.